[IIEP Llamado a ponencias] Taller sobre Deuda soberana

[IIEP Llamado a ponencias] Taller sobre Deuda soberana

The Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE), the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la República Argentina, the IIEP-Baires/UBA-CONICET, and Columbia University Initiative for Policy Dialogue are
pleased to announce a call for papers for the Workshop on Sovereign Debt to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 20-21 October
2015. The deadline for submission is 10th August 2015.

The Topic
Sovereign debt management plays a key role for macroeconomic stability and economic development. Government access to capital markets may facilitate sustained economic development, but it is also associated with risks that can severely disrupt the economy.
Appropriate procedures for debt management are thus required but at the same time their definition opens important analytical questions.
Latin American countries, and Argentina in particular, have historically suffered a high frequency of sovereign debt crises that effectively harmed the social and economic development of the region. These episodes have taught us a great deal, but there is still much to learn—both on how to prevent crises and on how to resolve them if they occur.
Sovereign financial management certainly involves as a crucial aspect the volume and the composition of government liabilities, but it also requires dealing with the assets of the nation, particularly in the case of economies endowed with sizeable natural resources
exposed to variable international demand and possibly to physical depletion. The issue is increasingly important in some countries of the region, as new opportunities pose new challenges.
This meeting will explore a variety of critical issues for sovereign debt and asset management. The workshop will bring together top scholars and practitioners from Latin America (Argentina in particular), and from the rest of the world.

Meeting Format, Paper Submissions, and Applications
The meeting will consist of two workshops, one restricted to scholars and one open to students (Young Scholars workshop).
The workshop for scholars will feature panels with academic and policy papers. Interested authors are invited to apply. Papers must be submitted to sovereigndebt@ridge.uy. Abstracts will also be considered (but priority will be given to full papers). The deadline for
submission is August 10, 2015. Each author can submit and present at most one paper. Traveling expenses of some participants will be covered by the organizers.
The workshop open to students will consist of six lectures by top specialists in the field. Students from all nationalities and places of residence are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to Latin American applicants, and especially to Argentine citizens, residing either in the country or abroad. Financial support for traveling expenses will be provided to a limited number of students who do not reside within 50 kilometers of the city of Buenos Aires.
Applications must be submitted to sovereigndebtyoung@ridge.uy. The deadline for application is August 10, 2015.

Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission and application for Young Scholars workshop: August 10, 2015
Deadline for application for students workshop: August 10, 2015
Notification of organizers decision: September 1, 2015

Organizers will make hotel reservations and cover accommodation costs (up to three nights) to speakers.

Further Information
For more information about RIDGE see www.ridge.uy